Risk Management/Compliance

Appropriate management of tax risk enables companies to avoid extra tax cost caused mainly by penalty taxes and double taxation as well as loss of credibility due mainly to inappropriate tax filings. In line with the progress in international efforts to share tax information, tax authorities in each country are paying increasingly close attention to global income distribution.

Through risk management/compliance services, we help clients identify in advance important items that may lead to tax issues and propose effective and efficient countermeasures. In addition, we support the implementation of countermeasures in each office including appropriate tax returns.

Risk management/compliance services primarily provide the following:

  • Tax risk analysis for both Japan and overseas
  • Transfer pricing risk analysis
    (for details, please refer to the transfer pricing service section)
  • Preparation of tax returns and other forms
    (for services in Japan, please refer to the compliance service section)
  • Defensive support for tax audit
    (for services in Japan, please refer to the compliance service section)